Manage the impact of the transition on jobs and businesses and train workers for a lower-carbon economy
- Power and Grids
- Industry and Materials
- Transport
- Buildings
- Agriculture
- Consumers
- Companies
- Financials
Policymakers can implement emissions performance standards and regulations that give a clear, long-term signal to producers to decarbonize. Emissions performance standards are a widely used policy mechanism that can be modified for any emitting sector. These standards can take the form of vehicle exhaust limits for passenger and commercial vehicles with which manufacturers must comply (for more on Transport, see Pillar 3: Transport ). For buildings, developers must comply with net-zero standards or requirements in new buildings. Standards should be implemented with timelines that give producers sufficient runways to make necessary arrangements, such as readying their supply chain and securing demand for low-carbon or efficient products and materials (for more on Buildings, see Pillar 3: Buildings).