Pillar 4: Create appropriate climate transition governance
The scope of the climate crisis is forcing smart policy makers to take a multidecadal view of the problem. But policies are only as good as the frameworks that exist to implement and enforce them. Policy makers must recognize that to attract investment in low-carbon technologies – and enjoy the associated economic benefits – they must construct governance structures that are durable and long-lasting.
Pathfinders actions
Best practices
The scope of the climate crisis is forcing smart policymakers to take a multi-decadal view of the problem, which encompasses multiple sectors and stakeholders. But policies are only as good as the frameworks that exist to implement and enforce them. Policymakers must recognize that to attract investment in low- carbon technologies – and enjoy the associated economic benefits – they must construct governance structures that are durable for the long term. Investors, corporations and civil society all have key roles to play in ensuring that the transition is fast, but does not leave anyone behind.
For more detailed information,
explore Delivering Net Zero: A Framework for Policymakers.
NetZero actions
Explore other NetZero pillars
In the race to reduce carbon emissions, local, regional and national governments don’t have a minute to lose.