Investing in Cycling Infrastructure: Paris
Boost walking, micromobility and public transportation in urban areas
Electrification is crucial to decarbonizing the transport sector, but simply decreasing demand for individual or private road transport journeys can also have a significant impact on emissions. Around 2.2 billion metric tons of CO2 emissions could be avoided by a modest 10% reduction – compared with BNEF's base case driven by economic and technological trends – of total kilometers traveled by passenger vehicles between 2023 and 2050. Boosting walking, micromobility and public transportation in urban areas can decrease miles traveled by car and lower emissions – but to do so, policymakers must improve infrastructure and public transit networks to accommodate increased adoption needs initiatives and support. Policymakers can implement a range of measures to encourage modal shifts, from congestion charges to active travel incentives, as well as improving mass public transit and expanding walkable areas.
Boost walking, micromobility and public transportation in urban areas