Baseline and Credit Schemes for Electric Vehicle Charging: California
Transport is one of the fastest-growing sectors in terms of emissions, and passenger road vehicles accounted for 53% of the total in 2022.
In addition, lawmakers can deter carbon-intensive activities by implementing carbon-pricing mechanisms and integrating environmental considerations into trade policies. Carbon taxes and emissions-trading schemes need careful design, as most existing programs are ineffective at driving companies and consumers to decarbonize. This may be due to low CO2 prices, and generous concessions to participants, such as tax-free allowances and free permits. By introducing trade policies like carbon border tariffs, policymakers can eliminate these concessions without the risk that companies relocate to regions with lower carbon prices or weaker environmental standards by introducing trade policies like carbon border tariffs. Both fossil-fuel subsidy reform and carbon-pricing mechanisms can raise government revenue that can then be reinvested in low-carbon support programs.
Transport is one of the fastest-growing sectors in terms of emissions, and passenger road vehicles accounted for 53% of the total in 2022.
Promote efficiency retrofits for homes and commercial buildings
Over 150 countries, accounting for two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions, now have a net-zero target in place or under discussion.
Carbon pricing allows policymakers to support decarbonization by charging polluters for each unit of emissions. Today there are over 70 such programs around the world, with penalties typically levied through a tax or market-based system.